Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson

Many people have grown up with the Anne of Green Gables series from the books to the mini series that would play every few months on TV with ads for exquisite dolls from the Anne collection making you dissatisfied with simply enjoying the story through pages and screens, but I didn’t watch those all the way through or read the books in my youth.       It wasn’t until 2013 that I actually started reading the series upon the suggestion of a friend when trying to figure out what books to take to the summer camp for the next 3 months. I mentioned I hadn’t read the series and she absolutely insisted that I take them with me and get started during the summer. I didn’t really know what to expect but I was thoroughly pleased and satisfied to have listened to my friend and finally read the beloved series. Now I would like to see that mini series all the way through!

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Because I now love Anne and her story I am hesitant about the different versions and adaptations that are coming around like the Netflix show which my sister recommended, but I have yet to venture into myself. When I found the book Before Green Gables at that previously mentioned giant book sale the local libraries put on I was interested and hesitant but obviously couldn’t leave Anne behind! What! Anne before the story begins. You can’t do that! What about the original author? Ugh, I don’t know how this book is going to go. Can you do it justice for Anne? I really want to read this, but I don’t want it to be any less perfect than the series. I think I stood there holding the book for a while before deciding to add it to my growing pile.

So I just finished the 398 pages this week(the first week of December that was) and enjoyed every minute of it traveling through the peaks and into the depths of despair with Anne as she moves into her second home as a baby, grows up caring for babies, never having a doll or nice clothes, the disappointment of not leaving home with the eldest daughter getting married, finally getting to go to school, acquiring a nice dictionary in an unusual way, the sudden move to a new place, the cozy routine she falls into while meeting some favorite people, and the abrupt relocation to her third home which again allows her come comforts and pseudo friends only to be torn apart instantly sending Anne into the dreaded orphanage before arriving at Green Gables.

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It was such a joy to read through the pages seeing how Wilson weaved this story magnificently into play and proving that it was a good decision for LM Montgomery’s heirs to allow her to tell this story. The pages of thank yous in the back of the book considerably helped ease my worries over this person who presumed to tell the tale of Anne Shirley from birth as I learned how Budge Wilson is an acclaimed children’s author, Canadian native, received permission from Montgomery’s heirs to write the story, is well-researched, and intent on getting this novel perfect to fit into the collection and not change any bit of who Anne Shirley is and forever will be. I would certainly recommend this novel for all Anne lovers and kindred spirits. Wilson does a great job of bringing Anne’s pre-story to life explaining how she became the spunky girl many have loved over the years.

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