A Place to Land Launch Team!

Okay friends and fellow bloggers,

Some of you are part of the community who participates in the Five Minute Friday writing challenge where writers are given a one-word prompt and have to write about it in five minutes flat. The current host of FMF is Kate Motaung who I enjoy following her blog and her story as a woman from the USA who spent 10 years in South Africa where she married a South African man and started her family before moving back to her home town in the USA. Obviously that story is full of adventure and emotion and so much to share that Kate has written a memoir of this experience and it comes out in April! As a reader and member of the FMF community I found out early about the book and applied to become part of Kate’s launch team who receives the book early in order to get the word out to everyone and have some reviews ready upon the release of the memoir. I was pleasantly surprised to find out she chose me to join the launch team and I am even more excited to say that I received my paper copy this week!

That’s the launch team fb page and my book in the package!


I was thrilled to be part of the team and had to get to reading right away which meant through the digital copy sent through email which is not my favorite, but I couldn’t wait! Since I missed the first few emails about the launch team, my wait for a tangible copy was not long at all. And pretty perfect to pick it up at the end of the week when I’ll have a quick moment to read some before getting back to work on Monday.

No more digital copy for me! And a free bookmark- this girl knows what’s up!


I already am enjoying this book so much and can definitely recommend it to everyone, speaking of which- Kate has been signing a box of books to send back to her publisher, Discovery House. You can order your copy now from Discovery House for $10 and get a signed copy while supplies last!

signed copy
Do it! Buy yours today!

There are so many crazy things happening in life right now, but God is continually blessing us in exciting ways and this is definitely one of them!


I haven’t fully decorated home yet, but I did put the RSA flag up last week and it was conveniently perfect for this picture!

2 thoughts on “A Place to Land Launch Team!

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