Wild Ride by Hayley Arceneaux

I learned of this memoir through youtube, watching a couple go through a rigorous series of physical tests to see if they could handle time in space as a promotion for this book. I said that sounds like a great read for me and requested it for the library. This enchanting story is 181 pages, depicting the moment Arceneaux’s life changed due to her childhood cancer diagnosis, and all that followed, culminating in her trip to space in 2021.

Hayley Arceneaux was diagnosed with Bone Cancer at the age of ten. She and her mother moved to Memphis for the treatments at St. Jude while her brother and father stayed in St. Francisville trying to keep a sense of normality when they weren’t out visiting the girls. After 11 tedious months Hayley completed her treatments and was able to return to school at home. Arceneaux shares how her life was forever changed by cancer as she left St. Jude determined to return as an adult to work there and give back to the place that gave so much to her family in their greatest time of need. Unfortunately, she was marked by everyone who knew her as ‘the cancer girl’ and was not prepared for how sweet the adults treated her and how sour the kids did. It was so telling to hear firsthand how silly we are to treat people differently because they have experienced something scary, confusing, and other than ourselves. I am thankful for every voice who speaks up and reminds us that we can talk about things like cancer and we can interact with people with disabilities. And we are most often the ones missing out when we avoid those who are different than us.

Arceneaux progresses on through school all the way to become a Physician’s Assistant as she desired as a child. Her first job was working in the Emergency Room and it took several years before she found her perfect fit at St. Jude’s in 2020. As 2021 began Arceneaux was asked to be the St. Jude representative on the first civilian flight into outer space. Thus began her journey of training in every area. Arceneaux does a wonderful job describing each training regime, her 3 space companions, and the different aspects of a trip to space. I’ve never been interested in going to space, but her book was so relatable and encouraging and genuinely engaging that I wouldn’t say no to the opportunity. (I’ve previously said I wouldn’t go if offered the chance.)

I would certainly recommend this read to anyone and everyone interested. It is a delightful, easy to read, true story.

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