Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry

Phenomenal! Gay Girl, Good God is a memoir of Jackie Hill Perry’s salvation and transition out of homosexuality into the loving arms of Christ. It is a story meant to bring to light the reality of living in sexual sin.

Jackie Hill Perry does a great job of articulating the gospel while sharing her story. She is a poet and that comes through in her writing style which has an artistic flow throughout. It was so enjoyable to read an author who comes with a different perspective on words and building phrases because you can see how she cares about the rhythm and sounds and not just using words to prove a point.

One of the most poignant moments in the book is when Jackie and her girlfriend are at a restaurant and there is a man acting a fool. There is an element of danger with this man and Perry is unsure if he is going to start a fight or pull out a weapon at any moment. On the inside Perry was so aware of her femininity that she was not able to protect herself or her girlfriend if anything were to go wrong with the random man. On the outside she played it cool and made an excuse to get out of there immediately, fronting about not wanting to eat there anyways and this guy is tripping. I’m so glad she shared this moment bringing the reality of male and female centerstage where it has been disguised and hidden in society. Whether people admit it or not, we have all had moments where the differences of men and women are exceedingly apparent.

One of the biggest takeaways for me is the power of prayer. Perry mentions different people praying for her over the years and it is so encouraging to hear of the faithfulness of these believers in what seems to be a hopeless situation. What a brilliant reminder that God is bigger and cares more for our loved ones than we ever can. Prayer is potent because God made it that way. It is so easy to feel the pressure to bring everyone to Christ personally, but that is not the job of each individual. What every believer can and should be doing is praying fervently for the salvation of those near us.

Overall the book is well written and engaging. I would highly recommend for everyone!

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