TV-Designated Survivor

Ech. The shows made these days typically seem best described as ‘trash’ for a variety of reasons. Searching through Netflix it seems like the shows which are standard entertainment of a crime show, a family sitcom, a political drama, that you would expect to remain in that category and be suitable to watch without much change start to go too far. I was watching a political drama with J and got into it with the dramatic storyline moving from a fast paced terrorist attack for the country to deal with to the ins and outs of a busy job serving the country. I just watched the episode in the new season last night and I could not make it through the whole episode. In the seasons we have watched so far there is not an outbreak of cussing or sexual nonsense so it is simple to stay connected and enjoy the show. This opening show of the new season sets a precedent for indecency unnecessarily added into the show. Within the 17 minutes I watched of a 50 minute show I saw boobs, they said the Fword twice, and the 10 year old daughter cussed in a conversation with her dad. None of that adds to the show. In the previous seasons I don’t remember hearing the Fword once, there was one scene in a bed where the woman was fully covered the whole time, the children respected their dad, and there might have been one cuss word uttered every few episodes. All of a sudden they are pouring in all of this extra filth that disrupts the narrative and I don’t know if it is to increase ratings, but whatever the reasoning, I’m out. It does make me sad to leave that show because I was enjoying the narrative, but I will not continue on at this cost of inpropriety. I really thought we had found a show that had a level of decency and suddenly they flipped the switch on us! I’m sure plenty of viewers did not notice or care about the changes, but I just had to say something.

One thought on “TV-Designated Survivor

  1. That is sooooooo discouraging when that happens. I pray their ratings go way down. Thank you for sharing this

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